Facts About Animal Experimentation

Vivisection has led us down countless scientific dead ends, while detracting attention and funds from more applicable scientific techniques. The practice of animal experimentation and testing continues, not because it has been shown to be an accurate and reliable means of research (which it has not), but rather, because of tradition, peer pressure, and enormous promotion from those with strong vested interests.

Animal-based research is the science of the past. There are a number of alternatives available to modern researchers which are less expensive, more reliable, and ethically sound.

Clinical and epidemiological studies are a vast source of data. They have provided us with more useful information about the nature of disease in the world than any other source. Modern computer technology has vastly improved our ability to analyzethe huge volume of complex data available to us by studying the course of disease throughout the world.

The real choice is not between animals and humans, but between good and bad science. Vivisection has undoubtedly cost many children their lives. It produces inaccurate and dangerous results and wastes enormous amounts of precious time and resources on an archaic methodology while promising new techniques are ignored.

This certaintly dosen't justify the suffering of countless animals or the millions of dollars which have been spent to this foremost conclusion. Meanwhile, programs to help abused and neglected children are deprived of the funding which could make a very significant impact on these children's lives.

If we are to truly help our children, we must take a broad look at the factors contributing to their suffering and the means we may employ to prevent it. We must not be influenced by those with finacial interests in animal research and allow their outdated, inaccurate methods will save the lives of our children. Facts regarding animals in labs being protected laws.

The Animal Welfare Act was passed in 1966 and amended in 1970, 1976, 1985 and 1990. It sets the standards for the housing, handling, feeding, and transportation of experimental animals, but places no limitations whatsoever on the actual experimental conditions and procedures which may be utilized.

The USDA, which is charged with enforcing the Animal Welfare Act, has excluded mice, rats, birds, and farm animals (who comprise 85-90% of all animals in research and testing) from even minimal protection. Although a federal judge found this exclusion to be illegal, there is still no clear indication when new USDA regulations will be enacted.


The transplanting of animal organs into humans, the most misunderstood and misrepresented issues of ethical, scientific, and public policy.

The research community and general public often regard organ transplantation as a medical milestone....NOT!

The human immune system will violently reject implanted animal organs. Since the tissue comes from an entirely different species, the rejection is much more severe than any human organ transplant would evoke. The money already spent to overcome these problems is enormous, and yet there has been virtually no investment in any public education campaigns to encourage people to take care of their health in the first place, or to encourage human organ donation.

Viruses present in animal tissue, which may be harmless in that species, could turn out to be contagious and deadly to human beings. This enormous risk is absolutely unwarranted. Thus far, of several dozen human recipients of animal organs, not one has lived more than nine months.

This information is from the American Anti-Vivisection Society
questions about animal experiments can be emailed to monkeyloves@yahoo.com

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